Multi Calendar
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GridMate provides a component to calendar any object. It displays horizontal time-axis and resources to assign as rows. Activities can be created, edited or deleted. It supports also drag & drop like any calendar app.
In this tutorial, we will setup a Multi Calendar to visualize building inspections assigned to a list of technicians (contacts).
Let's configure the general settings of our calendar.
Set the height to 9999 to have a responsive height.
If Skip Night Hours is checked, the user will be redirected to the next/previous day when clicking on Next/Previous button.
Set the style to define the width of the assignee column and the activity cell as below:
The cell width is interesting when the calendar is displayed in a small area especially with the monthly view.
Let's configure the assignee settings. Note that the assignee could be any object (Standard or custom). It will be Contact in our case.
By default the list of assignee will be fetched using the list view configured on Assignee ListView property. If you want to switch between a specific set of teams, you can set a subset of listViews in the Assignee Listview(s) property like: All_Technicians,Plumbing
The property should be populated using ',' separated list of API ListView names. If the property is empty, the user will see all available list views.
The popover fields is ',' separated list of field API name. Those fields are used to display the popover when the user hover an assignee. If the property is empty, the compact layout will be used instead.
Let's configure the activity settings. Note that the activity object could be any object (Standard or custom). It will be Inspection__c in our case.
JSON string can be used to initialize brand new records. We support defaulting the activity dates and the assignee based on the selected cell. Below is an example to default our event.
Multi Calendar supports cell coloring by providing the coloring configuration same as smart grids. Below is an example of coloring.
Activities are filtered based on the list of displayed assignee. The calendar supports also extra filtering by providing a list view or a JSON filter.
Mass/Record action can be configured based on requirement. We support quick actions or call a flow actions.
Below is a quick demo of the final version of our Multi Calendar.