GM - Record Card



GM - Record Card component is used to display a card of a related object. The related object could be at any level. The component can be configured to display a list of fields for a simple scenario or layout configuration for complex pages.

Use case: Display the ultimate account details on the contact page.


API Reference

<design:component label="GM - Record Card">
    <design:attribute name="title" label="Card Title" 
                      description="Card Title"/>
    <design:attribute name="icon" label="Card Icon" 
                      description="Card Icon"/>
    <design:attribute name="showBorder" label="Show Border" 
                      description="Show record card border"/>       
    <design:attribute name="targetObjName" label="Object Name" 
                      description="Object Name to load"/>    
    <design:attribute name="recordIdField" label="Record Id Field" 
                      description="Record Id Field to load" />
    <design:attribute name="recordFields" label="Record Fields" 
                      description="Record Fields to display"/>
    <design:attribute name="columns" label="# of columns" 
                      description="# of Columns for the layout"/>    
    <design:attribute name="mode" label="Display Mode" 
                      description="Display mode (edit, view, readonly)"/>            
    <design:attribute name="recordLayout" label="Record Layout" 
                      description="JSON Record Layout"/>
    <design:attribute name="recordActions" label="Record Actions" 
                      description="JSON Record Actions"/>        
    <design:attribute name="buttonActions" label="Show Actions as Buttons" 
                      description="Use buttons for actions instead of icons"/>
    <design:attribute name="visibleActions" label="Visible Actions" 
                      description="# of visible actions"/> 

Last updated