GridMate can be deployed on Salesforce Classic. Only RelatedList and ListView grids are supported. To run GridMate on Classic, we use Salesforce Lightning out .
Lightning application setup
To run the Lightning out on Classic, a lightning app VFListViewDataGridApp should be created with the markup below.
Copy <aura:application extends="ltng:outApp" >
<aura:dependency resource="gmpkg:VFListViewDataGridComponent"/>
<aura:dependency resource="markup://force:showToast" type="EVENT"/>
<aura:dependency resource="markup://force:refreshView" type="EVENT"/>
Visualforce page setup
Create a Visualforce page to wrap GridMate component using the Lightning out technology.
Copy <apex:page controller="VFListViewDataGridController"
<apex:includeLightning />
<div id="workbench" />
$Lightning.use("{!lightningApp}", function() {
//prepare attributes
let attributes = JSON.parse('{!attributes}' || '{}');
attributes = Object.assign(attributes, {
"aura:id": "listViewGrid",
"relatedObjectName" : "{!relatedObjectName}",
"listViewName" : "{!listViewName}"
"canFilter": true
//create the data grid
function(component) {
event: 'force:showToast',
handler: function(event) {
let toast = component.find("toast");
We have also to implement the Visualforce controller with its unit test class
Copy /***
* @author Hicham El Mansouri@GridMate
* @date 12/2019
* @description DataGrid controller class for VFListViewDataGrid.
public with sharing class VFListViewDataGridController {
private final String lightningApp;
private final String relatedObjectName;
private final String listViewName;
private final String attributes;
public VFListViewDataGridController () {
lightningApp = ApexPages . currentPage () . getParameters () . get ( 'c__lightningApp' );
relatedObjectName = ApexPages . currentPage () . getParameters () . get ( 'c__object' );
attributes = ApexPages . currentPage () . getParameters () . get ( 'c__attributes' );
listViewName = getLastUsedListView(relatedObjectName) ;
private static String getLastUsedListView ( String objName)
try {
RecentlyViewed recentItem = [ Select Id , Name From RecentlyViewed
Where Type = 'ListView' Order by LastViewedDate Desc Limit 1 ];
ListView listView = [ Select Id , Name , DeveloperName From ListView
Where SobjectType =: objName And Name =:recentItem . Name Limit 1 ];
return listView . DeveloperName ;
catch ( Exception ex){
System . debug ( ex . getStackTraceString ());
return null ;
public String getRelatedObjectName() {
return relatedObjectName;
public String getAttributes() {
return attributes;
public String getListViewName() {
return listViewName;
public String getLightningApp() {
return lightningApp;
Copy /***
* @author Hicham El Mansouri@GridMate
* @date 12/2019
* @description DataGrid controller class for VFListViewDataGrid.
@ isTest
public class VFListViewDataGridControllerTest {
static testMethod void testGetLastUsedListView (){
ApexPages . currentPage () . getParameters () . put ( 'c__lightningApp' , 'c:VFListViewDataGridApp' );
ApexPages . currentPage () . getParameters () . put ( 'c__object' , 'Account' );
ApexPages . currentPage () . getParameters () . put ( 'c__attributes' , '%7B"canCreate"%3A+true%2C"canClone"%3A+true%7D' );
VFListViewDataGridController c = new VFListViewDataGridController() ;
String lastUsed = c . getListViewName ();
if (lastUsed == null ){ System . assert (lastUsed == null );}
else { System . assert (lastUsed != null );}
String relatedObjectName = c . getRelatedObjectName ();
System . assert (relatedObjectName != null );
String attributes = c . getAttributes ();
System . assert (attributes != null );
String lightningApp = c . getLightningApp ();
System . assert (lightningApp != null );
Mass Edit button setup
To trigger the mass edit Visualforce page, we have to configure a link on the targeted object.
Copy { ! URLFOR ( "/apex/VFListViewDataGridPage?" , null ,
c__lightningApp = 'c:VFListViewDataGridApp' ,
c__object = 'Account' ,
c__attributes = '{"canCreate":true,"canClone":true,"canFilter":true}'
Mass Edit can be enabled on any object by duplicating the link below and changing the c__object parameter only.
The link should be added to the list of actions on a ListView.
Remote Site setup
GridMate uses API to fetch the ListView's metadata. Visualforce URL should be added to Remote Site Settings. See below 👇