GM - Flow Edit Grid



GM - Flow Edit Grid component is used to edit records from a data grid inside a flow.

Use case: Display a grid of contacts to add them as opportunity contact roles in a screen flow. See Flow Tutorial.


The following properties use JSON syntax as part of their configuration: .

API Reference

<design:component label="GM - Flow Edit Grid">
    <design:attribute name="recordId" label="01. recordId" 
                      description="recordId to use. Keep this empty if you want to use the current record"/>        
    <design:attribute name="relatedObjectName" label="02. Related Object Name" 
                      description="The name of the related object to display. Ex. Opportunity"/>    
    <design:attribute name="fieldSetName" label="03. FieldSet Name" 
                      description="The fieldSet name of the related object to display"/>                            
    <design:attribute name="rowLimit" label="04. Row Limit" 
                      description="The maximum number of row to fetch"/>     
    <design:attribute name="customLabel" label="05. Custom Label" 
                      description="Override the label of data grid"/> 
    <design:attribute name="customIcon" label="06. Custom Icon" 
                      description="Customize the data grid icon. All lightning icons are supported. You can get the icon name from"/> 
    <design:attribute name="height" label="07. Grid Height" 
                      description="Set the grid height"/>  
    <design:attribute name="columnStyles" label="08. Column Style" 
                      description="Json string to define column's style. Don’t forget __c for custom fields. Ex. {'StageName':'width:200px'} to set the width for Stage column"/>     
    <design:attribute name="candidates" label="09. Candidates" 
                      description="The list of candidates to display"/>    
    <design:attribute name="filter" label="10. Filter" 
                      description="Json string to define filter criteria. Don’t forget __c for custom fields. Ex. {'StageName':'Needs Analysis'} to see only 'Needs Analysis' Opportunities"/>    
    <design:attribute name="sort" label="11. Sort" 
                      description="The field list to sort the data grid. This field is used only for the initial load. Don’t forget __c for custom fields. Ex. Amount to sort opportunities by amount"/>
    <design:attribute name="order" label="12. Order" 
                      description="Asc or Desc order for sorting"/>         
    <design:attribute name="showBorder" label="13. Show Border" 
                      description="Show Border"/>
    <design:attribute name="showColumnBorder" label="14. Show Column Border" 
                      description="Show Column Border"/>        
    <design:attribute name="fieldLabels" label="15. Custom Field Labels" 
                      description="{name:label} custom field labels map"/>    
     <design:attribute name="coloring" label="16. Cell Coloring" 
                      description="JSON conditions for cells coloring"/>
    <design:attribute name="lookupOptions" label="17. Lookup Fields Options" 
                      description="JSON options for lookup fields {apiName : {titleField : value, subTitleField : value}}"/>            
    <design:attribute name="defaultValues" label="18. Default Values" 
                      description="Json string to initialize a new object created from the data grid. Don’t forget __c for custom fields. Ex. {'accountid':'$recordId', 'name':'Opp 1', 'stagename':'Needs Analysis'}"/>
    <design:attribute name="canUpdate" label="19. Enable Update Object" 
                      description="Check this option if you want to update object"/>    
    <design:attribute name="canDelete" label="20. Enable Delete Object" 
                      description="Check this option if you want to delete object"/>    
    <design:attribute name="canCreate" label="21. Enable Create Object" 
                      description="Check this option if you want to create object"/>
    <design:attribute name="saveOnNext" label="22. Save Records" 
                      description="Check this option if you want to save the record on next"/>                                                                                   
    <design:attribute name="updatedJsonRecords" label="23. Updated Records" 
                      description="The list of updated records as JSON string. It includes created and modified records"/>                                     
    <design:attribute name="deletedJsonRecords" label="24. Deleted Records" 
                      description="The list of deleted records as JSON string"/>                                                           
    <design:attribute name="createdJsonRecords" label="25. Created Records" 
                      description="The list of new records as JSON string. It contains only created records"/>
    <design:attribute name="modifiedJsonRecords" label="26. Modified Records" 
                      description="The list of modified records as JSON string. It contains only modified records"/>                                                                                                       
    <design:attribute name="cellHandlerDef" label="27. Cell Change Handler" 
                      description="Cell Change Handler Component"/>

Cell Handler Example

<aura:component controller="CellHandlerController" access="global">
    <aura:method name="handleCellChange" action="{!c.handleCellChange}" access="global">
        <aura:attribute name="component" type="Object" />
        <aura:attribute name="params" type="Object" />

Last updated