Grid - Advanced Filtering

Using Junctions

To filter the records either as an admin or as an end user can combine conditions with conjunctions like ‘OR’, ‘AND’. Below is a complex filter query:

   "or": [
         "ParentId": {
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "$recordId"
         "UltimateParent__c": {
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "$recordId"

$recordId can be used to implicitly use the current recordId

Using Inline SOQL

An inline SOQL query can be used to filter records within the current record. Inline SOQL can be used with “in” operator only:

   "Id": {
      "operator": "in",
      "value": "SELECT Project__c FROM Assignment__c WHERE Manager__c=$$recordId$"

$$recordId$ can be used to implicitly use the current recordId in the SOQL query

Using Parent Field

Any field from the current object can be used to filter the related records. Parent fields can be referenced in the filter property as a merge field $record.fieldApiName

   "Country__c": {
      "operator": "=",
      "value": "$record.BillingCountry"

Using $USER

Any field from the logged user can be used to filter the related records. User fields can be referenced in the filter property as a merge field $USER.fieldApiName

   "Amount": {
      "operator": "<",
      "value": "$USER.Minimum_Amount__c"


Any field from any custom settings can be used to filter the related records. Custom settings fields can be referenced in the filter property as a merge field $CUSTOMSETTING.objectApiName.fieldApiName

   "Discount__c": {
      "operator": ">",
      "value": "$CUSTOMSETTING.Quote_Settings__c.Max_Discount__c"

Using $APEX

For complex use cases, an apex class can be provided as a value provider for a filter property as a merge field $APEX.className({params})

   "Id": {
      "operator": "in",
      "value": "$APEX.AttachedDocumentFilter({\"recordId\":\"$recordId\"})"

Apex class parameters should be always an escaped JSON string. $recordId can be used to implicitly use the current recordId.

The value provider class should implement a Callable interface and should be global. GridMate runs the value provider dynamically:

Callable handler = (Callable) Type.forName(handlerClass).newInstance();
return (String)'getValue', params);

The example below showcase a specific value provider to filter ContentVersion based on the current record:

global with sharing class AttachedDocumentFilter implements Callable {
    global Object call(String action, Map<String, Object> args) {
        if (action == 'getValue') {
            String recordId = (String) args.get('recordId');

            //Build the list of linked documents
            List<ContentDocumentLink> linkList = [
                SELECT Id, ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersionId
                FROM ContentDocumentLink
                WHERE LinkedEntityId = :recordId

            List<Id> idList = new List<Id>();
            for (ContentDocumentLink link : linkList) {

            return '(\'' + String.join(idList, '\',\'') + '\')';
        } else {
            throw new ExtensionMalformedCallException('Action not implemented');

    public class ExtensionMalformedCallException extends Exception {

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